We hear all the time about letting everyone be heard, but how? How do we go about doing that from a practical standpoint? I’ve got a recommendation on how to add a touch of structure to your brainstorming meetings. The result is that everyone will have an opportunity to contribute and let their ideas be heard. 

– First, present the problem.
– Then, instruct everyone to write down their ideas on a post-it or index card.
– Next, set a timer for 1-3 minutes and allow time for everyone to get their thoughts to paper. 1 idea per post-it.
– Finally, go around the room and ask everyone to share what they put down.

Doing things this way allows for everyone to have time to think and share their own unique ideas. It also forces the slacker to keep from jumping on everyone elses ideas. (we all know that person, don’t we) 

If appropriate, you can sort, rank and rate, categorize etc, but that’s level 2. Start with this foundation and then build.

Collecting the ideas from the cards and sharing/discussing as a group should be handled with care. In the interest of time, I didn’t discuss it here. Rule of thumb: be kind, courteous and respect of everyone’s contribution.

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