“Never get too high, never get too low.”

That’s the advice I was given by a former leader back in the day.  I heard him. I knew what he meant. But the execution…well, it was terrible to say the least. 

Business would be flowing, clients were happy, events running without a blip and I was high as a kite. Yippeeee!

And then….

A complaint would roll in. A co-worker would resign. A system would crash. My spirits would plummet. Start the dramatic music and Charlie Brown cloud.

Too high. Too low. 

Maybe you can relate?

Your business is booming.
And then it’s not. 

Your relationships are thriving.
And then they’re not.

Your health is outstanding.
And then it’s not.

Your finances are in order.
And then they’re not. 

Your spiritual life is connected.
And then it’s not. 

You get the idea.

Behind the scenes, The Law of Rhythm is always in operation. There’s nothing you can do to control this universal law.  Just like the tide or the sun, there is order in the ebbs and flows, the rising and the setting.

Here’s what you CAN do: 
Accept it, whatever “it” is.  
Accept that life and business have cycles that must be experienced. Adopt the mantra “this too shall pass”.  Savor the good times and remain faithful in the challenging moments. Both are coming and going, it’s simply a matter of time.

Focus on what you want. 
So much of our stress is created by us.  We are focusing on what we don’t want, as opposed to what we do want. Stop the ruminating and consider what you can control, how you can adjust and do that. 

Practice Gratitude.
There it is again. If I haven’t made myself clear about having a gratitude practice, here’s another reminder.  When times are good, be grateful. When times are not so good, be grateful. There is always something to be grateful for. 

More simply put, “never get too high, never get too low”.  

Remember, this is all a practice.  Practice makes you better. So, when you fall back into a state of worry, doubt or fear, recenter. Don’t beat yourself up, regroup. Return to your practice, begin again. 

Sometimes we need some extra support, that’s where I come in.  If you’re in the midst of transition and curious what coaching could do to help you through, I encourage you to book a complimentary consultation with me.  You can do so HERE.