Happy Scale

Last week, I wrote to you and shared about my partnership with Woohoo, Inc. – boy am I excited to be part of such an amazing group of practitioners. This week, I’m starting a new tradition, welcome to Woohoo Wednesday!  On the blog, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn you will find a weekly tidbit on arbejdsglaede, or in other words, work happiness. This week, I present to you: the happy scale.

Before we dive into the happy scale, a brief intro to work happiness.  When most people think about this topic, they consider salary, benefits, perks, opportunity for advancement and so forth. While these aspects of work are important, they are not actually related to work happiness, rather, they are elements of satisfaction. Think back to those surveys with 25, 50 or maybe even 100 questions asking you (or your employees) to rate and rank how satisfied you (they) are. Well, there you have it, those surveys are measuring satisfaction. Satisfaction is highly logical, what you think.

Work happiness is a feeling. The feeling is a result of a simple equation: Results + Relationship = Work Happiness. Both aspects of the equation must be met. Where do you fall on the happy scale? How do you think your employees might rank themselves? Argh! Meh! or Yay! For those of you who rated YAY, congratulations! Keep up the good work, no complacency for you.  For everyone else, know that you have the ability to influence your rating and the rating of others, turns out happiness IS contagious. Stay tuned as we cover more each Wednesday!

Can’t wait for the next blog post? Please, we encourage you to schedule a consultation so we help you bring happiness to your workplace!