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3 Steps to a Happier Team

Before long, the New Year will be upon us. We will be chasing new dreams and goals for ourselves and our businesses. In working with high-performing teams, I’ve found that planning is necessary and often gets completed with excitement and maybe even some fun. But, the planning falls flat when it’s not communicated or followed up on. On the other hand, pair planning with purpose-based communication outward and schedule regular check-ins and those plans become much more valuable. Here’s how you and your team can get on the fast track to success!

Share Your Gratitude

We all work with someone who we are grateful for. Maybe it’s a co-worker, a boss or even a vendor or customer. They help us shine, grow and have success at work. Of course, you know that you appreciate them, that you think they are amazing but, do THEY know you feel that way??? Don’t keep all those good thoughts to yourself, share them! Express your thanks and you will get a double whammy of goodness going at your workplace. You get to give the appreciation which makes them feel gooooooood and by giving, you’ll feel good yourself too! Give it a try, here’s how:

Take Different Look and Find Appreciation

It’s November and that means we are all thinking (maybe more than usual anyway) about thankfulness. I’d like to share a story with you about thankfulness and appreciation concerning beauty that wasn’t apparent at first, but with a change of perspective, it magically appeared. With that, I challenge you to consider, is there a part of your work, role, organization, product/service that you don’t appreciate that another person would? Find the beauty, it’s there!

Practice Makes You Better

Here’s a quickie to remind you that if you have started trying to be happier at work, well then just keep practicing. Keep doing what you are doing. You WILL get better at it. Forming new habits and trying new things isn’t easy, but keep at it. Like learning anything new, the start is bumpy but over time you will improve and people will notice! Don’t believe me, just have a look at some of the first videos on this channel. They were kinda crappy – but with practice, they improved. Same goes for athletes, artists, musicians and many others. If you’re ready to enlist the help of a coach, I’d love to talk with you!

Increase Flow and Get More Results

As a leader, you have a lot on your plate. Two major responsibilities are retaining your top talent and being mindful of the company resources, especially the financial resources. Instead of looking outside your team to address these concerns, look inward. Making simple adjustments to what you assign to your team, the challenges they work on and the number of distractions they have to deal with can all lead to increasing the amount of time they enter into “flow state”. Once they are “in the zone” they will be more happy and productive! Here are few tips on how to get there. Check it out!