Showing 36 Result(s)

How to Improve Company Culture

Company culture is all the buzz these days – many business leaders have started investing in exercises like core values development, honing in on their mission and getting reconnected with their “why”. I support these efforts wholeheartedly, but at the same time, an unfortunate truth still remains – the workplace is plagued with assholes. Assholes are a HUGE liability to organizations on a number of levels. We must deal with them appropriately before we can truly have a culture we can be proud of. Check out the video to hear my recommendations on dealing with an asshole at your organization.

Top 5 Takeaways from the 2017 Hawaii Business Leadership Conference

Last week, I attended the Hawaii Business Leadership Conference at Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was excited to attend, as in previous years I was not able to make it. Throughout the day, I heard from many leaders from varying industries and in varying stages of their careers. While I had pages and pages of notes, I narrowed it down to my top 5 takeaways for you.

If you attended, I’d love to know your takeaways. And, if this message resonates with you, we should talk! I might be able to help you with putting the takeaways into action.

As always, thanks for watching and stay happy!

Remain Authentic in How You Do Happiness at Work

In a recent conversation with a business leader, she said: “but I’m not like you”. Wow, what an important point to address. She’s right, she’s not like me, really at all. We have very different styles and if she tried to do the same techniques I do, that would probably shock people. What she CAN do though is adopt any number of happiness at work strategies in the way that remains authentic to HER. When we remain authentic, we will be happier and everyone around us will be happier too.