Showing 40 Result(s)

Love Your Work

Confucius said: “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. I couldn’t agree more, I absolutely love my job. I am at it ALL THE TIME and rarely, does it feel like work. Confession: emails sometimes feel like work – but even then it’s not awful! In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share with you what I LOVE about my work. It’s simple: lightbulb moments. With individuals and teams, when they have an a-ha that changes their outlook, perspective or path. Those moments, those are exactly WHY I do what I do.

What do you do that lights you up? That you LOVE? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment!

And, this week – would you kindly consider pressing the “share” button? Let’s keep this love stuff going for awhile, why don’t we? 🙂

Thanks for watching and see you next time!

Book Review: The Coaching Habit

The Coaching Habit, by Michael Bungay Stanier is a game-changer, a book I recommend to nearly every client of mine who is trying to be a better leader. I personally rely on the book to be a better coach too!

I love The Coaching Habit for 4 reasons (all of which happen to start with the letter “S”). I love it and think you will too because it is: 1. Simple 2. Sincere 3. Short and 4. Sustaining.

Check out the video to learn more and don’t forget to join the conversation by leaving a comment!

Have Fun and Be Happier at Work

Work work work and no play is a total drag. We sometimes think because we are at work, we can’t have a little fun. The reality is that when we are having fun, we are deepening our relationships and increasing our likelihood of getting the results we are looking for. And that, results and relationships, is exactly what we need to truly be happier at work.

Join for a quick discussion about how having fun benefits you and how you can start doing this in your work.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

You Can’t Be Happy with The Flu

When we are sick, it’s less likely that we are feeling all that happy. Sure, you can have perspective and gratitude and all that – but being sick sucks! At work, we are especially at risk because ya know….GERMS are ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE! This week, I asked Dr. Rupie, an MD who practices in Honolulu, to join us and share how she recommends staying healthy (and happy) at work.

Please enjoy!

Stay Connected with Dr. Rupie’s by heading over to:

Happiness is the Key To Success

Happy New Year! Often, we set goals around what we believe will make us happy. It’s time to change – your happiness influences your success, not the other way around! There are hundreds of ways you can be happy, in this video, I share 3 practices you can do RIGHT AWAY.

Please enjoy! And give this video a share so more people can experience MORE happiness and more success!