Showing 42 Result(s)

Take Different Look and Find Appreciation

It’s November and that means we are all thinking (maybe more than usual anyway) about thankfulness. I’d like to share a story with you about thankfulness and appreciation concerning beauty that wasn’t apparent at first, but with a change of perspective, it magically appeared. With that, I challenge you to consider, is there a part of your work, role, organization, product/service that you don’t appreciate that another person would? Find the beauty, it’s there!

Career Planning for Happiness

Half of our waking hours are spent at work yet we often enter into these relationships (yes – they are relationships – employment or contract-based) only asking a few questions that really don’t give us any idea of how happy we are. Further, we sometimes stick around jobs that make us unhappy, feeling stuck or bored. Nearly 70% of the workforce is disengaged! Ain’t nobody got time for that. Instead, I suggest we are intentional and examine ourselves, our values and our desires and create alignment in our work. When we do this, we will be happier! Learn more in the video and head over to to find out how you can create more happiness at work.

How To Stay Happy With Millennials at Work

I get asked about millennials in the workplace an awful lot. I’ve noticed, the person asking will typically throw in a couple of eye rolls and a heavy sigh or two. I do my best to give an answer that will be helpful. Sometimes though, what I say and what I’m really thinking are two different things. Instead of keeping it all in, I’m sharing what I really think about millennials. My position won’t resonate with everyone, some might even laugh or poke fun – and that’s a-okay with me. I stand by my position – no.matter.what. Enjoy!

Practice Makes You Better

Here’s a quickie to remind you that if you have started trying to be happier at work, well then just keep practicing. Keep doing what you are doing. You WILL get better at it. Forming new habits and trying new things isn’t easy, but keep at it. Like learning anything new, the start is bumpy but over time you will improve and people will notice! Don’t believe me, just have a look at some of the first videos on this channel. They were kinda crappy – but with practice, they improved. Same goes for athletes, artists, musicians and many others. If you’re ready to enlist the help of a coach, I’d love to talk with you!

How to Improve Company Culture

Company culture is all the buzz these days – many business leaders have started investing in exercises like core values development, honing in on their mission and getting reconnected with their “why”. I support these efforts wholeheartedly, but at the same time, an unfortunate truth still remains – the workplace is plagued with assholes. Assholes are a HUGE liability to organizations on a number of levels. We must deal with them appropriately before we can truly have a culture we can be proud of. Check out the video to hear my recommendations on dealing with an asshole at your organization.