Hi, Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog/vlog. I so appreciate you being here!

I am so excited because I just got my newest vision boards delivered!  I get a lot of questions about using vision boards and I thought today would be a great day to share a bit more. 

 Btw, if we haven’t met yet, I’m Heather Patterson, a Business and Mindset Coach who helps entrepreneurs and their teams use the power of their mind to create extraordinary results in the business so they can have extraordinary lives! 

Let’s dive in: 

What is a vision board?

 A vision board is a tool used to help people focus on their goals and aspirations. 

The universe – love, love, LOVES – clarity and decision – so when you put our dreams into a visual format, you send a message out to the universe to get to work in making it reality. 

A vision board typically consists of a collection of images, words, and phrases that represent the person’s desired outcomes and experiences.

They can be used for a wide range of goals, such as business or career aspirations, personal growth, relationships, wealth, health or fun and recreation.

Vision boards can be narrow focused or wide. Short term or long term. 

At the heart of it, a vision board is used to support you in visualizing your dreams and goals. To help you get into the spirit of your goal.  Since we know,  that once you are in the spirit of what you desire, you will be in harmony with it and it will begin to make manifest that much faster.  

Vision boards can be created in a variety of formats, such as a physical board made from cut-out pictures and words pasted onto a poster board, or a digital board created using online tools or apps. 

For a long time, I made physical boards by culling thru magazines and catalogues to find the perfect images and phrases but I’m a techie in hiding and figured out a way to make beautiful vision boards in a digital format. Now, I prefer using Canva.   

Want to create your own vision board?  Here’s a few recommendations to consider along the way:

  • Use positive, forward moving words and phrases. For example: instead of stop loosing great employees you would say retain top talent at ____%. Or, instead of saying Quit Smoking you could say Free of Nicotine Addiction. It’s a subtle shift but it will make a difference.
  • Put your face in the places where it makes sense, use tape or an editing app. Or forgo having faces altogether. The only faces that should be on your board are your own.
  • Don’t overthink. As long as you and the Universe knows what the images and phrases on your board means, that’s all that matters.
  • Place your board in an area, or areas, where you will see it regularly. Keep this in mind before design you board, ensuring it will fit in the area(s) you have available. 


I hope this was helpful for you! For more tools, tips and techniques to grow your business, I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter. You can do so by clicking HERE.  

See you next time! 

With Love,
