Ho’oponopono – An Ancient Practice for Modern Times

I’ll never forgive them


I’ll remember this till the day I die…

You get the idea. 

Maybe you’ve said something like this before, pertaining to your own life. 

I know I did.  For years, I held onto hurts, wrongdoing, and built up towering walls of resentments. Did it help me? 

Not at all.  If anything, it held me back. And it’s holding you back too. 

Hello, hi! I”m Heather Patterson, I work with growth oriented individuals and organizations, helping them unlock their thinking and live a truly abundant and happy life. Welcome back if you’ve been here before and if you’re new, nice to have you! 

As I was saying…a useful and often overlooked part of the growth and transformation process is the practice of forgiveness.  

The weight of resentment, anger, hurt, confusion and fear (along with many other emotions depending on the situation) is heavy and impedes our progress in moving forward. 

While there are many forms of forgiveness out there, today, I want to share with you a practice that is near and dear to my heart.   It is a native Hawaiian practice called: Ho’oponopono.

The Origin:

Ho’oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice that has been passed down through generations of native healers.  

While living on the island of Oahu, the practice was passed down to me.  I’m saddened to say, I don’t recall specifically who shared this practice with me, though, what I do know is that many special mentors and teachers who were Native Hawaiian or students of the culture were generous enough to make me aware of this practice. 

The word itself means “to make right” or “to correct,” and the practice is rooted in the belief that all problems and conflicts in life arise from misunderstandings or imbalances in relationships.

Purpose and Meaning:

The purpose of Ho’oponopono is to restore harmony and balance in relationships, both within oneself and with others. It is based on the idea that we are all connected and that any problems or conflicts we experience in life are ultimately a reflection of our own inner state. Through the practice of Ho’oponopono, we take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and work to heal any imbalances or misunderstandings that may be causing disharmony in our relationships.

How to Practice: 

One of the central components of Ho’oponopono is the use of certain phrases or mantras, which are repeated as a way of shifting our inner state and restoring balance in our relationships. These phrases include:

  • I’m sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • I love you

By repeating these phrases, we acknowledge our role in any conflicts or imbalances, ask for forgiveness, express gratitude, and offer love and compassion to ourselves and others.

Practical Application:

Ho’oponopono can be applied in a wide variety of situations, from personal relationships to business conflicts. It can be used to heal past traumas, resolve misunderstandings, and improve communication and collaboration. Some practical applications of Ho’oponopono include:

  • Using the phrases in daily meditation or self-reflection
  • Repeating the phrases to oneself before or during difficult conversations or meetings
  • Using the phrases in written communication, such as emails or letters, to express remorse, seek forgiveness, and offer love and gratitude
  • Incorporating the practice into team-building or conflict-resolution exercises in the workplace

Personally, I use the practice and teach my clients to use it in meditation, whether that is daily, weekly or otherwise as needed.  Reminding them of the power of using themselves as the “subject” they are working with. 

In the video features in this post, I guide you in how to.  I invite you to watch the video and engage in the practice, allowing yourself to experience it versus intellectuallizing it. It’s one thing to know in our hearts, it is entirely different to experience Ho’oponopono in our hearts.

If you would like to learn more, I’d be happy to support you.  Schedule a time to connect with me HERE