I get to talk with a lot of people about their dreams and goals and often I hear “I feel stuck”.  That leads to a deeper conversation where I begin to understand what’s really happening.

They are not stuck. They are holding on.

  • Holding onto the pain. 
  • Holding onto the past.
  • Holding onto the names called.
  • Holding onto the betrayal. 
  • Holding onto the frustration. 
  • Holding onto the same way they’ve always done it. 

While I am a fan of processing and understanding what led to the current state of mind a person is in, I also believe that too much time spent there doesn’t do anyone any good. Rather, I focus the conversation on looking at the future. 

The conversation shifts.

I ask them: “What do you really want?”

You can guess their response and here’s a few, maybe you can relate?

  • To be happy.
  • To have more time. 
  • To be more confident.
  • To make more money.
  • To restore my relationship(s).
  • To have more fun.

Then, we get to work.  

We get to the heart of the matter, changing their mindset and therefore changing the results. Check out this video from Kristi Martin, a client who’s life has dramatically shifted since we started working together. 

A person’s thinking creates the current state of feeling “stuck” and new thinking is required to create a new feeling and therefore new circumstances. 

The only way to generate new thinking is to reprogram the mind. Constant, time-spaced repetition, just like it was programed in the first place. 

What about you?  What do you really want? 

Maybe what you want is listed above or perhaps you want something else?  Realize, the same truth that applies to “them” also applies to you. 

Your thinking is both the problem and the solution. 

Let’s get to work. 

If you’re even the least bit curious, book a call with me. Click here to do so. It’s complimentary. Regardless of your decision to work together, I can assure you that you will leave the call with more clarity and direction than you have now, period. Bold claim, I know and I’ll back it up.all.day.long. 

My next cohort for online, group mindset coaching begins Wednesday, April 20th.  Space is limited and it will fill up. Book your call to see if this program is for you.