Creating Success – Blending the Mystical and the Methodical

Creating Success: Blending the Mystical and the Methodical

If you’re like most people who end up here on my website or on my YouTube channel, you’re interested in growing, improving and creating a happy and abundant life – in all areas.

Chances are, there is an area that is lacking for you. You want a different result. Maybe that’s in business or career, finances, romance, fun and recreation…it could be any facet of your life. 

In this post, together, we explore the spectrum of mystical (aka woo woo) to methodical (aka intellectual or strategic) and ask you to consider, what elements are you implementing well and where could you make some adjustments for the balanced, perfect combination!

Let’s play a game.

All you need are your two hands and your present attention on me. Next, I’m going to list a few phrases, commonly thrown out regarding happiness, success, goal achievement. 

Starting with your left hand, if the phrase resonates…meaning, you believe it to be TRUE, put a finger down.  If you think it’s nonsense, it doesn’t land with you…keep your fingers up. 

  • Ask and you shall receive
  • Hold the vision in your mind
  • Be the _______ you want to attract
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • If you can hold it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand

Okay now to the right hand:

  • Good things come to those who work for it
  • You can rest when you’re dead
  • Work Smart Not Hard
  • No Pain No Gain
  • Kill two birds with one stone

Whatcha got? 

Left side? Any fingers up?  Right side, how many fingers up? 

This quick, non-scientific, exercise is an easy way to see where you lean. Lean where you might be wondering??  One being the more mystical or woo woo and the other the more strategic or methodical. More fingers down on the left, you are more mystical. More fingers down on the right, more methodical. Equal or all fingers down?  A balance.

Why does this matter?

Next, consider one isn’t better than another. That’s really good news! There’s no need to question or judge where you may have landed.  Your results are simply an indication of your current set of beliefs and paradigms around success, goal achievement and happiness. 

For the mystical folks – holding the vision and meditating on your goal aren’t enough, you are going to need to take some action. 

For my methodical folks – efforting will only get you so far. Burning the midnight oil may be the very thing that is stopping you. 

The recipe for what you want includes both – a blend of mystical and methodical. 

Self Reflection:

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Have you clearly defined what success looks like, in the most detailed way? Are you able to hold a picture of it in your mind?
  • Are you taking regular and consistent action toward your goal? 
  • What fear, doubt or worry are you allowing to impede your progress forward? 
  • Do you know what it feels like, in your body, to have achieved your goal? 

Notice what comes up for you. It might be time to get more methodical. It might be time to get more mystical. The choice is yours. 


Support Is Available

If you want some help, I’m here for you.  Schedule a call with me and we can explore what working together would look like.  You can access my calendar HERE.

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time!