The Importance of Accountability | Achieve Bigger, Better Results Together

I’m super excited to dive deep into a topic that’s close to my heart – accountability. You know, that absolutely essential ingredient that can take your goals (and the activity you’re taking to reach them) from “meh” to “marvelous” So, let’s buckle up and explore why accountability is the real deal when it comes to achieving amazing results.


Why Accountability Matters: Debunking the Myths

Accountability is NOT about finger-wagging or being hard on yourself. Nope, it’s actually your ultimate cheerleader on the path to success. Trust me, I’ve been coaching for over 15 years, and I’ve seen how misconceptions about accountability can trip us up.  

The Four Accountability Styles: Which One Are You?

Ever wondered why some folks thrive when they share their goals, while others just buckle under the pressure? Well, my friend, it’s all about accountability styles. Picture this: Upholders rock at getting things done, Obligers are the ultimate team players, Questioners need reasons to take action, and Rebels…well, they dance to their own tune.

You can learn more about these tendancies by reading the book: “The Four Tendencies” by Gretchen Rubin.  

And, who doesn’t love a good quiz?!  Gretchen has a great quiz to help you determine your accountability style. You can take that here.


Achieve More Together: Accountability in Action

Imagine you’ve got this fantastic goal in mind – whether it’s smashing it in business, leveling up your fitness game or nurturing relationships. Accountability is your secret weapon, your success insurance policy. Sharing your goals and the progress you are making to those goals, with someone – a friend, a coach, a mentor – gives you that gentle push you need to keep going, especially on those “meh” days.

Personally, I believe that engaging in accountability at any level is super courageous!  I talk more about that in a former post: “The Courage to Engage with a Coach”. 


Embrace Your Accountability Style

So, here’s the scoop: Accountability isn’t about weakness; it’s about embracing your human side. Did you know that around 41% of us are natural Obligers who thrive with external accountability? Yup, you’re not alone in this journey!

Whether you’re an Upholder, a Questioner, a Rebel, or an Obliger, there’s no shame in seeking support and guidance.


Wrap-Up: Let’s Get Accountable!

Alright, my friend, it’s time to wrap this up. Remember, accountability isn’t a buzzword; it’s your personal success strategy. So, next time you’re setting those goals, consider finding an accountability buddy. It’s like having an insurance policy for your dreams – pretty great, right?

Thanks so much for reading, see you next time! 

Remember to watch the video for even more on this valuable topic.