5 Habits of Happy People

5 Habits of Happy People

In this post, we’ll explore five habits of happy people – not an exhaustive list by any means, yet the tried and true, essentials habits that contribute to genuine happiness as well as the importance of healing from past traumas and accepting imperfections on the journey to cultivating lasting happiness – in life, leadership and love.

Watch the video to hear more personal stories and examples of these habits, or if you’re more of a reader, get what you need from the description below. 

1. Gratitude: Embracing the Good in Life 

One of the key habits of happy people is their ability to find the good in every situation. They express gratitude for even the smallest blessings, whether it’s a warm bed to sleep in or a beautiful view outside their window. Practicing gratitude allows us to shift our focus from what’s lacking to what we have, fostering a positive outlook on life.

2. Alignment to Values: Making Decisions That Resonate

Finding happiness involves understanding our core values and aligning our decisions with them. When we engage in activities and relationships that resonate with our values, we experience a sense of fulfillment and authenticity. It empowers us to say “yes” to opportunities that align with our true selves and confidently say “no” to those that don’t serve our higher purpose.

3. Gaining Perspective: Beyond The Present Moment

In times of stress or difficulty, happy people have the ability to zoom out and gain perspective. They ask themselves whether the current situation will matter in the long run, which helps them avoid unnecessary stress and worry. By focusing on the bigger picture, we can find solace in knowing that many temporary challenges will fade away with time.

4. Reframing Negative Events: A Path to Growth

Instead of succumbing to negativity when faced with challenges, happy people adopt a powerful mindset – they believe that everything happens for a reason. By reframing negative events as opportunities for growth and learning, we can extract valuable lessons from even the toughest situations. This perspective empowers us to find strength and resilience amidst adversity.

5. Building a Support System: Nurturing Happiness Together

Surrounding ourselves with a supportive network is vital for sustaining happiness. Whether it’s family, friends, mentors, or colleagues, having people who uplift and inspire us can make a significant difference in our overall well-being. A strong support system helps us navigate life’s ups and downs, providing a sense of belonging and encouragement along the way.

Bonus: Healing and Acceptance

On our journey to happiness, it’s essential to address past traumas and emotional wounds. Healing from these experiences allows us to break free from their hold on our present and future. Additionally, accepting ourselves as perfectly imperfect beings enables us to embrace our unique qualities and grow with self-compassion.

Incorporating these five habits of happy people into our lives can transform our outlook and enhance our overall happiness. By cultivating gratitude, aligning with our values, gaining perspective, reframing negative events, and fostering a supportive network, we pave the way for a more fulfilling and joyful existence.

Remember, we are in this together.  I’d love to hear from you, head on over to IG (@heather_says_smile) and drop me a DM and let me know what habit you’ll be adopting!