The Law of Gestation

Everything, including you, blooms in perfect timing. 

Happy Spring! Yes, that’s right, I’m filming today and it just so happens to be the Spring Equinox, which is widely considered the first day of spring! 

Ya know, maybe someday I will be a bit more strategic in my content creation but for now, I am allowing my life and the observations I’m making IN my life to guide and inform what I create.  For me, there is inspiration everywhere. 

Oh and hey, if we haven’t met yet – I’m Heather Patterson. I work with entrepreneurs and their teams – helping them grow their belief in themselves and each other so they can grow their business.  And ultimately, live, lead and love in the biggest and best ways for themselves! 

Today, beings that it is the first day of Spring – I was inspired to share with you about a universal law – that is, The Law of Gestation. 

There are many universal laws, maybe you have heard of some of them like: the law of oneness, law of attraction, law of polarity or law of cause and effect.  They are universal and operate regardless of time, space, geography, circumstances, age, race, sexual orientation etc…  I’ll cover more of these laws another time, but for today, let’s focus on The Law of Gestation.

The Law of Gestation

When you think of Gestation, it’s likely you think about babies and specifically the time between conception and birth. But we’re not just talking about babies here. In fact, I talk about a lot of things but babies….baaabies is not one of them. I don’t have any of my own. 

Anyway…the law states that there is a given incubation or gestation period for each seed. A certain period that a specific seed requires to be formed until it can evolve from the blueprint to a fully realized physical shape.

We happen to know the gestation period for babies. Carrots, corn, flowers and even the production of car – because of the assembly line.  

But what about:

  • Growing revenue

  • Growing a team

  • Growing profits

  • Growing a customer base that are raving fans

  • Growing systems and processes

Yes, we can model a lot of this out and make some best guesses.  

For example, with the realtors I work with, we know the conversations they are having now will ultimately impact the business they are doing 60-90 days from now. 

Or, say you’re hiring for a new admin, it’s likely that you know (based on your own experience) that for every 10 candidates, 1 will be qualified to enter the interview process. 

Or, that if you market to X people in your email list, then you’ll have Y number of people enter your online store or sign up for your most recent promotion. 

Much of the same is true in life outside of business as well. 

I won’t go into detail here but think about it as it relates to your personal life:

  • Releasing weight

  • Falling in love

  • Healing from trauma

  • Recovering from the a loss of a loved one or relationship

  • Forgiveness

A lot of best guesses.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes not so much.   Especially when we are pursuing something new, where a model hasn’t been established. There isn’t a history to refer back to. 

What can happen, and I see this A LOT is that you will venture out to achieve something new and different, something that you’ve never done before like:

  • 10x your profitability

  • Make (and KEEP) your first hire

  • Grow your exposure in the market

  • Expand your service offering etc 

And you have a target date in mind and it doesn’t happen. Then the spiral happens

  • Pushing harder

  • Working longer hours

  • Criticizing yourself and others about the lack of result

  • “Shoulding” all over yourself…what you could have done differently

  • Frustrated, angry and at your end…

  • You quit. 

  • But not only do you quit, you store THIS evidence in your mind for future and for the foreseeable future, you play small and maintain status quo leaving your biggest hopes and dreams to collect dust in the corners of your mind. 

How do I know?  Well I’ve been there. Multiple times!  In my first business as a HR Consultant, then as a CEO of a local real estate brokerage.  In both roles, I had ideas in my mind about the timing of my success and didn’t meet either of them. I went through that same spiral. It took humility, dedication and commitment to my highest self to get out of that place….and thankfully I’m here, now. 

Another way is available. 

When the results aren’t showing up, of course, look at models and best guesses that you’ve made.  Look at the activity – the cause/effects that surround the goal.  Yes – do that. And also, consider the law of gestation too.  That while you have some control, you don’t have exclusive control. The seed has been planted; it’s in the right environment, you’re watering it, giving it light and nutrients to grow.  Hold your faith in your idea, allowing it be birthed. 

Okay friend, that’s all I have for you today!  I hope you found the message to be both thought provoking and action inspiring.  If you’re not already subscribed, hit that button so we can hangout again soon!  I’ll see you next time!