The Law of Relativity

Last week, I wrote to you about the Universal Law of Rhythm and how it is always in operation.  A similar message also appeared, in video format, in my private Facebook group Happy, Healthy, Wealthy with Heather Patterson.   The conversation prompted a number of questions and has inspired me to craft a part two, per say, to the message. 

Specifically, someone mentioned that they felt like the experience was all relative and dependent on a persons attitude. My reply: SPOT ON. 100%, YES!

The Law of Rhythm is just one of twelve Universal Laws. Another is The Law Of Relativity.  Essentially, what it says is there is no such thing as big or small, a lot or a little, good or bad and so on.  Situations, events, circumstances, relationships, money, etc simply are.  We assign the meaning and measure, relative to our experience.  

Some examples:

  • A person who is accustomed to earning $75,000 per year may view earning $500,000 per year as “a lot”.  
  • A person who is accustomed to earning $1.5 million per year may view earning $500,000 as “a little”. 
  • The business owner who is fully staffed and rarely experiences turnover may feel devastated, a “big loss” when their top two people leave to start their own company. 
  • The business owner who has dealt with regular turnover since starting of their business, gets a resignation and thinks “no big deal”, they move on, prepared and ready to backfill the position. 
  • The person who gets regularly stood up for dates may feel delighted when another person actually shows up.
  • The person who, for most of their life, has been in a committed relationship, may view being single as tragic and lonely. 

Can you see how in each of these examples, the meaning is determined by the person experiencing them?  Introduce another party to any of these scenarios and based on their experience, they may have a different evaluation or judgement. 

Let’s shift to attitude. 

Attitude is the combination of our thoughts, feelings and actions.  Thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions, actions create results.   

Consider the attitude of the devastated business owner, mentioned previously.  They are thinking “this sucks, what a pain in the a$$”, those thoughts create feelings of frustration, anger and maybe overwhelm. What results so you think that will lead to?  Probably not attracting an ideal candidate for their open position. 

An alternative is Acceptance. The predominant thought: it is. Which creates a feeling of neutrality and allows a person to move forward towards what they want.  

Yes, there are other alternatives. Like willingness, joy, love. Which can propel a person faster and with more ease to the outcome they desire.

Or…going the other direction, which I would not recommend: defeat, rage, shame. A person may make some forward movement from this place, however there will definitely be negative consequence to come. 

You get to choose.  

Phew! We’ve covered a lot today.  And, there’s so much more.  For now, I’ll continue to give you the bite size, digestible lessons.  When you’re ready to dive in deeper, you know where to find me.