Moving Day – Real & Raw

I MOVED! And I wanna tell ya about it!….storytime…
BTW….If we are just getting acquainted, you should know, 5 years ago, I left an abusive relationship….
I moved literally across the world (from Hawaii to Maryland), with a few suitcases and some packages that I mailed ahead of time.
I went deep on healing and understanding myself and in an unexpected series of events, I ended up traveling to Scottsdale, Arizona and ultimately moving there.
Yep, 2 cross country moves in 8 months.
People thought I was crazy. (Some people still think I’m crazy lol)
I KNEW there was something good on the other side of all of that.
I followed my intuition, trusted the process and as of Monday, moved out of my place and in with my amazing partner to continue to build our life together.
I documented some of my reflection process…because gems like that are for sharing, in my opinion.
You can check it out in the video. Spoiler Alert: The tears you will see, are of deep gratitude, of joy, of being so damn proud of who I am and who I have become and with eagerness of what else is ahead of me.
If you’re navigating a transition and want some support, I’d love to see how I can help. Schedule a time to chat at: