On Thursday, February 3rd 2022, the legendary personal development and human potential teacher and leader, my mentor, Bob Proctor left this physical world and transitioned onto the next phase of his eternal journey.  

When I received this news, I was flooded with emotions. Shock. Sadness. Heartache. Concern.  We lost a legendary man.

Quickly though, my feelings transformed. Gratitude. Honor. Reverence. Inspiration.

In an interview with Lewis Howes, Lifestyle Entrepreneur and host of the podcast “The School of Greatness”, Bob said that if he could only leave 3 lessons with the world, that he considers to be true, they would be:

  1. Live in the now. 
  2. Be grateful.
  3. Give. 

*You can hear the full interview HERE and if you want to fast forward to this portion of the interview, proceed to timestamp 1:32 

I am a torchbearer for Bob Proctor and his life’s work and if you’re reading this, I’m making a request.  

Will you honor Bob by taking a moment to consider the message he shared in his interview?  I have my own interpretation of what he meant and you will have yours.  Pause and contemplate what those words mean to you. Are you truly living up to your meaning of what Bob shared? 

Time and time again, Bob has reminded his students that there is always room to be better, to grow and expand. With that, consider, what else is available?  

And my final request, to honor this great man, take action. Even if it’s a small step, even if it scares you, take a step forward into the possibility for you and your life. 

In closing, I’d like to leave you with this quote: